Windows 10 mail attachments not ing
Windows 10 mail attachments not ing

windows 10 mail attachments not ing

None of the mail accounts I have connected show attachments (hotmail, gmail, gsuite student) Every time a teacher sends homework I have to download it from the webmail, but I prefer the Mail app because I have all 3 accounts in one app (inboxes are not linked together) I tried to use Thunderbird but hotmail doesnt register because I have 2FA and the gsuite school account doesnt register because the domain (the school name) is invalid for it.ĭo all of you have this bug too in the Mail app How can I solve it 3 comments share save hide report 83 Upvoted Log in or sign up to leave a comment log in sign up Sort by best. Mail Attachments Not Ing Download It From Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts Log in sign up User account menu 4 Windows 10 Mail app doesnt show attachments. Mail Attachments Not Ing Windows 10 Mail App Windows 10 Mail Attachments Not Ing By targesemoss1983 Follow | Public

Windows 10 mail attachments not ing